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About us

We transform the groundbreaking insights of game theory into benefits for our clients.

“Theory without practice is empty, practice without theory is blind.” (Kant)

We use game theory to achieve amazing results for you.

We bring the insights of game theory on the road and accompany you with theoretical excellence and practical experience: You benefit from the implementation of hundreds of projects in various industries, targeted knowledge transfer and high ROIs. We achieve particularly good results if situations are highly complex. During joint implementation of our game theoretic approach, we support you with professional project management. We pick up project team members where they are, projects are always fully implemented ‒ from initial analysis to successful completion.

The founders

(Managing Partner)

is a game and auc­tion theo­rist as well as an ex­pert for nego­tia­tions in pro­cure­ment and sales. For more than 20 years he has been wor­­king on op­ti­mi­zing price nego­­tia­­tions by apply­ing scien­ti­­fic me­thods of game, bar­­gain­ing, and auc­tion the­ory. Through inno­­va­tive theo­re­­tical fin­dings, he con­­ti­nuous­ly de­ve­­lops Competitio’s game theo­­re­tic op­ti­­mi­­za­tion approach GAIN (GAme theory In Negotiations). Dr. von Grawert pub­lished a num­ber of books and pa­pers and gave many lec­tures on the ap­pli­ca­tion of game theo­ry to nego­tia­tions.

(Managing Partner)

is a game and auc­tion theo­­rist, nego­­tia­­ting ex­pert, and da­ta scien­­tist. He earned his doc­­to­­rate in applied game theo­ry, opt­i­mized nume­rous nego­­tia­­tions in pro­cure­ment and sales in various indus­­tries apply­­­ing game, bar­gaining, and auc­tion theo­ry, and achieved sig­­ni­­fi­­cant success for his clients. He has success­­­fully applied game theo­­­retic nego­­­tia­­tion prin­cip­les in crisis ne­go­­­tia­­tions with ex­tor­­­tio­nists. Dr. Pfeiffer has also ex­ten­­sive ex­­peri­en­ce in the de­­ve­lop­­ment and im­­ple­­men­­­ta­tion of A.I. models.


is a game and auc­tion theo­rist, pro­fes­sor of fi­nance & eco­­no­­mic theo­ry at Frank­­furt Uni­­ver­sity of Applied Scien­ces and a stu­dent of Nobel Prize win­ner Rein­­hard Sel­ten. His re­search fo­cu­ses on com­pe­­tition, auc­tions, mar­ket theo­ry, and be­ha­vioral fi­nan­ce. Prof. Rieck wrote nu­me­rous books and pa­pers, is a sought-after speaker, and main­­tains a Youtube channel with more than 175,000 sub­­scri­bers, in which he ana­­ly­zes and inter­­prets a va­rie­ty of cur­rent to­­pics from a game-theo­re­ti­cal per­­spec­­tive in an exci­­ting and enter­­tain­ing way.


We ad­vise pro­­cure­­ment and sales de­part­­ments of large com­­pa­­nies in the pri­­vate, pub­­lic, and re­­gu­la­­ted sec­­tor world­­wide and in all in­­dus­tries.


Even after many years of use, we are pas­sio­na­te ad­vo­cates of our scien­ti­fi­cal­ly founded app­roach: We en­joy the suc­cesses achie­ved for our clients and the re­sul­ting long­term bu­si­ness re­la­tion­ships.


Over a pe­riod of more than 20 years and in a wide range of in­­­du­s­­tries (alu­­­mi­­num, au­­to­­­mo­­­tive, con­­­struc­­­tion, elec­­­tro­nics, lo­gis­­­tics, me­di­cal, steel, te­le­­­com, rail, uti­­­li­­­ties,…), we glo­­bal­­ly op­ti­­­mi­­zed awar­ding ne­go­­­tia­­­tions with a total volu­me excee­ding EUR 20 bn. with game theo­retic means as well as sales and bid­ding stra­te­gies for sig­ni­fi­cant con­tract vo­lumes.

We have a spe­­­cial ex­­per­­­tise for com­­­pe­­­ti­­­ti­ve situa­­­tions where col­­­lu­­­sion is sus­­­pec­­­ted.

 Results, ROI

On the one hand, we sys­te­mati­cally and re­peat­ably in­crea­se pur­cha­sing suc­cess and thus di­rect­ly im­prove our clients’ bot­tom line.
Fur­ther­more, we iden­ti­fy com­pe­ti­tion en­han­cing po­ten­tial in pro­ces­ses and estab­­lished nego­tia­tion so­lu­tions.
Fi­nal­ly, we en­able cus­to­mers to suc­cess­ful­ly apply our me­thods them­selves. That way, we in­crease the per­for­man­ce of the pur­cha­sing orga­ni­za­tion indi­rectly and far bey­ond our projects.

In Sales our con­sul­ting in­creases your chan­ces to win with an ac­cep­table mar­gin.

The ROIs of our pro­jects are typi­cal­ly in the high two- to three-digit range, de­pen­ding on the con­tract vo­lu­me.


We aim at turning the groundbreaking insights of game theory into maximum benefit for our clients.

On the one hand, we sys­te­­ma­­ti­­cal­ly and re­pea­ta­bly in­crease pur­cha­­sing suc­cess and thus directly im­prove our clients’ bot­tom line. Further­more, we identi­fy com­peti­tion-enhan­cing poten­tial in proces­ses and es­tab­­lished nego­tia­­tion solutions.

Finally, we enable cus­to­mers to suc­cess­­fully apply our me­thods them­­selves. That way, we inc­rease the per­for­mance of the pur­cha­­sing orga­ni­­za­­tion in­di­rect­ly and far bey­ond our projects.

Game theo­ry was de­ve­­lo­ped to ana­­lyze situa­tions with inter­­de­pen­­den­­cies and to derive the best pos­si­ble be­ha­vior for your­self. Apply­­ing so­phis­ti­ca­ted ma­the­­ma­­tical game theo­ry, you can ana­lyze inter­de­­pen­­dent situa­­tions, derive the best pos­si­ble be­havior of your own, and thus take stra­tegic de­cision-ma­king to a new level. Great advan­ta­ges are pos­sible if one can shape the frame­­work of a si­tua­tion: Those who have the power to set the rules and know which rules lead to the best results for them under the given cir­cum­­stan­ces can great­ly bene­­fit from this know­­ledge. In Purchasing this is precise­ly where Com­petitio’s expertise lies.
In sales we foster a better un­der­stan­ding of the com­plex situa­tion, your op­tions, and their re­spec­tive im­pli­ca­tions. Based on the results of that analysis while considering all influencing factors and tradeoffs, we jointly derive your optimized bidding behavior.

In a sys­te­­ma­­tic and repeata­ble way, we trans­­form the unique in­sights of game theo­ry into your nego­­tia­tion success.


Working method

In order to make nego­tiations syste­ma­ti­cally more success­ful toge­ther, we not only in­volve the direct project partners but also the relevant stake­holders at all levels and in all functions. Clear processes, clean project manage­ment, open com­mu­ni­cation with all stake­holders, and a view beyond the project’s horizon enable creative joint develop­ment of some­times entirely new solu­tions with high a potential for success.

Business is done with other people. To increase the success of nego­tiations, we need to under­stand the incen­tives, goals, expec­tations, and options for action of all rele­vant agents. However, in most deci­sion models, the pers­pec­tive of other agents is not taken into account. Inter­depen­den­cies in deci­sion situa­tions are the central focus of game theory. How­ever, game theoretic models are not easily accessible due to their mathematical complexity.

Competitio transforms the multiple Nobel Prize-winning findings of game theory into applicable processes and methods: That way, we generate significant added value for our customers.

Even after many years of application, we are passionate advocates of our scientifically based approach: We enjoy the successes achieved for our clients and the long-term business relationships that result.

Our consulting is not aimed at one-off projects, but at long-term collaboration and improving our clients’ capabilities through know-how transfer in projects and through training.

Contact us!


Forsmannstraße 14B, 22303 Hamburg