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We increase your

negotiation success.

We have been using game theo­ry to op­ti­mize ne­go­tia­tions for over 20 years. Our scien­ti­fi­cal­ly based approach GAIN sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly and re­pea­ta­bly in­crea­ses the suc­cess of your ne­go­tia­tions.


We in­crea­se the suc­cess of your ne­go­tia­tions in a sys­te­ma­tic and re­pea­table way and im­prove your bot­tom line.


We opti­mize your sales and bid­ding stra­te­gy applying Game, Bar­gai­ning, and Auc­tion Theory.


We of­fer our long-­term pro­ject clients trai­nings and work­shops in Game Theo­ry, Bar­gai­ning Theo­ry, and Auc­tion Theo­ry.

Procurement Analytics

We sup­port our clients in the of­fen­si­ve and de­fen­si­ve use of their pro­cure­ment data.

War Games

War Games bring game theo­­ry to life with­­out a ma­­the­­ma­­ti­­cal mo­del and pro­­vide easy ac­­cess to stra­­te­­gies and so­­lu­­tion ap­proa­­ches.


Weekly game theo­ry coaching ses­sions ge­ne­ra­te new per­spec­tives on old chal­len­ges for you and your bu­si­ness.

With Competitio, you...

… nego­tiate sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly more suc­cess­ful­ly. For this pur­pose, we in­vol­ve not on­ly the di­rect pro­ject part­ners in pur­cha­sing, but also the suc­cess-­cri­ti­cal stake­hol­ders of all le­vels and func­tions. Clear pro­ces­ses, ef­fi­cient pro­ject ma­nage­ment, open com­muni­ca­tion with all stake­hol­ders and a view bey­ond the pro­ject’s ho­ri­zon en­able a crea­tive joint de­ve­lop­ment of en­tire­ly new so­lu­tions with a high po­ten­tial for suc­cess.

Contact us!


Forsmannstraße 14B, 22303 Hamburg