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Game theory in


We have been using game theory to opti­mize nego­tia­tions in pro­cure­ment for over 20 years. Our scienti­fically based approach GAIN increases the success of your nego­tia­tions in a syste­matic and repeatable way.

Procurement Negotiations

What we do


We are experienced, science-based consul­tants and have specia­lized in apply­ing the insights of game theory to price nego­tiations for over twenty years: Using our unique game theory approach GAIN (GAme theory In Negotiations), we have been achie­ving repeatable extra­ordinary nego­tiation success for decades.

We are pleased with the results achieved for our clients and the resulting long-term business relationships. 

Your advantage


If established approaches in procure­ment hinder compe­tition, we make this transpa­rent and can change them. From a customer’s perspective, we are able to precise­ly measure the price-perfor­mance ratio offered by suppliers. On that basis, it is possible to resolve conflicts of objectives between purcha­sing and other functions and to align activi­ties with the overriding goals of the purcha­sing company. Our game and bargai­ning theore­tical solutions inten­sify compe­tition among suppliers.

In negotia­tions, the suppliers with the best price-performance ratio prevail. Often these are the incumbent suppliers ‒ but with signifi­cantly improved price levels.

Through targeted know-how transfer, we syste­mati­cally increase the success of your awards. Project success and ROI of our engage­ments usually exceed the demanding expec­tations of our clients. Last but not least, the partici­pants enjoy project work and are pleased with the increased bargaining power and awarding success.

How we work


In order to syste­mati­cally make nego­tiations more success­ful, we involve not only the direct project partners from purchasing, but also success-critical stake­holders from other functions. Clear processes, clean project manage­ment, open com­muni­ca­tion with all stake­holders and a view beyond the project’s horizon enable creative joint develop­ment of entirely new solu­tions with high potential for success. The central role of the purchaser vis-à-vis the suppliers is thus strengthened.

Through the know­ledge imparted in the project work and through training, we syste­ma­ti­cally improve the capa­bili­ties and purcha­sing success of the entire organi­zation. Our consul­ting is not aimed at one-off projects, but at long-term cooperation.


Clients and experience


We provide consulting services to the purchasing departments of large companies in the private, public and regulated sectors world­wide and in all industries.

Over a period of more than 20 years, our experts have game-theoretically optimized procurement negotiations with a total volume of more than EUR 20 billion in a wide range of industries (utilities, automotive, rail, telecom, electronics, medical technology, steel, aluminum, construction, logistics,…).

We have special expertise in competitive situations where collusion is suspected.


Please feel free to contact us for an assessment of your upcpoming awardings.

Contact us!


Forsmannstraße 14B, 22303 Hamburg